Sunday 9 July 2023

Working with X++


Working with X++ 

Static: Static methods are methods that are called on the class itself, means an instance of class is not required to call this methods. 

Void: This datatype show that the return value is null.

Main: This is the method from where the execution of code get start. A class in order to execute on its own, should have a main method.

Display messages - 

  •   info("Amount has been credited");
  •   warning("Insufficient funds");
  •   error("Transaction is aborted");

First Program

static void FirstJob(Args _args)
      str information;
      information = "Hello..Let’s learn ax"; 

Addition of Number - 

static void Additions(Args _args)
      int a = 10;
      int b = 20;
      int c;

      c = a + b;

       // conversion functions - int2str, str2Int


        // concatenation

        info("The result after addition is " + int2str(c));

If Else condition

static void IfElseExample(Args _args)

         AmountMST amount = 150;   

         if (amount > 200)


        info("You can watch a movie");




        throw error("Insufficient money");


    info("I have seen the show.Movie is good");


If ElseIf else -

static void ifLoop(Args _args)


        int age = 10;

        if (age <= 2)
                info("Still a baby");
         else if (age >2 && age <=19)
          else if (age >=20 && age <=45)
                info("MIDDLE AGE");
                info("Old age");



Loops - (For loop & While loop)

static void LoopsInAX(Args _args)

    int i = 1;   

   //For loop

    for (i = 1; i <=4 ; i++)





//While Loops

    i = 1;   

    while (i <=4)







Switch Case

static void swtichCaseExample(Args _args)


    Gender genderType = Gender::Male;   



        case Gender::Male  : info("I am male"); break;

        case Gender::Female  : info("I am female"); break;

        case Gender::NonSpecific  : info("I am Nonspe"); break;

        case Gender::Unknown  : info("I am unknown"); break;

        default: info("Incorrect value");



Break and Continue 
static void breakAndContinue(Args _args)


    int i = 1;  

    for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

        if (i == 5 )

            break; // continue;

        info("Hello" + int2str(i));



String formatting - 

static void strfmtFunction(Args _args)


    // infolog can only print string datatype

    // if you want to print different data types in an infolog.
        You need to convert all the datatypes first in to string and then print

    //Example : I AM RAHU. MY AGE IS 20. MY SAL IS 5000.00


    info(strFmt("I AM RAHU. MY AGE IS %1. MY SAL IS %2", 20, 5000.00));


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