Thursday 13 July 2023

Object Oriented Programming (OOPS )



OOPS (Object Oriented Programming)


Classes - A class is software construct that defines the data, grouping up of similar objects.

Method - Methods are the functions that operate on the data and define objects behavior.

Variables – Variables are used to store the data for the class, they are specific to an object.


Class declaration: Specifies the name of the class and necessary variables, It can also specify inheritance.

Static: Static methods are methods that are called on the class itself, means an instance of class is not required to call these methods. 

Void: This datatype show that the return value is null.

Main: This is the method from where the execution of code get start. A class in order to execute on its own, should have a main method.

New() – This method initiates a new object, you can also assign values to the object variable using this method.

Construct() - The method should return an instance of the class.


Class ClassName

     public void main(Args _args)




Public – Access Modifier

Void – Return Type

Main – Method name

Args – Parameter

Global and Local Variables:

A scope defines the area in which an item can be accessed. Variables defined in a class are available to the methods within that class. Variables in methods can be accessed only within the current Method

Class ClassName

     Int a; ----- Global variable (Can be used in any of the method defined in this class

     public void main(Args _args)

           Int b; ------ Local variable (Can be used only in this method)



Creating object of class:

ClassName objectName = new ClassName();


Calling method through object

ClassName objectName = new ClassName();



Calling Static method:




Constructor – In X++ constructor is a static method which is used to call instance of the class.

Class ClassName

     public static void Construct()

            return new ClassName();



Call a constructor

ClassName className = ClassName::Construct();


Parameterized Construct

public static void Construct(Args _args)

    ConstructClass  contructClass = ConstructClass::construct("icici");





Inheritance is an important concept in X++. Inheritance is a concept in which you define parent class and child class relationship.

The child classes inherit methods of the parent class, but at the same time, they can also modify the behaviour of the methods if required. The child class can also define methods of its own if required.

In X++ inheritance is done using keyword “extends”. “Super” keyword is used to call parent class method in child class. To Stop a class from being inherited use keyword ”Final”.

X++ supports single inheritance, but it does not support multiple inheritance. X++ supports overriding, but it does not support overloading.

Class ParentClass

     public void helloWorld()

         info(“Hello World”);


Class ChildClass extends ParentClass

     public void helloWorld()



Abstract Class & Method

Abstract classes are marked by the keyword abstract in the class definition, they are typically used to define a base class in the hierarchy. We can't create an instance of them

Mostly, an abstract class is used to define what is known as a base class. A base class is a class which has the most basic definition of a particular requirement.

An abstract class can have both abstract methods and Non Abstract methods.


Abstract Method
When declare a method as 
abstract this method should be declare/initiate in child class. Abstract methods only be declared in abstract classes. No code or declarations are allowed in abstract methods.


abstract class AbstractClass

      abstract void myAbstractMethod()



Class ChildClass extends AbstractClass

     void myAbstractMethod()




An interface is a method that contains only method signature, it doesn’t contains any code in it. Interface can be accessed by using keyword Implements, we can implement multiple interface at a time using comma separator.

An interface can extend another interface by using extends keyword. An interface cannot extend more than one interface.
The purpose of interfaces is to define and enforce similarities between unrelated classes without having to artificially derive one class from the other.

All methods in Interface are public in nature.


Interface InterfaceClass

      void myInterfaceMethod()



Class ChildClass implements InterfaceClass

     void myInterfaceMethod()

             // Write your code







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