Thursday 20 July 2023

CRUD Operation in X++

 Insert and Select Statement

static void insert(Args _args)

    AttEmployeeTable     attEmployeeTable;  ;       //declaring a table buffer


    attEmployeeTable.EmployeeId = "Emp100";

    attEmployeeTable.Name = "Rahul";

    attEmployeeTable.Phone = "9897888821";


    attEmployeeTable.insert(); // inbuilt

    info("Record has been inserted");



static void bulkInserts(Args _args)

    ATTEmployeeTable    attEmployeeTable;    

    for ( int i = 1 ; i <=100; i++)


        attEmployeeTable.AcccountNumber = "Emp" + int2str(i);

        attEmployeeTable.Name = "Rahul";

        attEmployeeTable.Phone = "9897888821";


        attEmployeeTable.insert(); // inbuilt      


    info("Record has been inserted");


static void LearnSelectStatements(Args _args)


    AttEmployeeTable  attEmployeeTable;    

    Select * from attEmployeeTable;    



    // Select latest record

    select * from attEmployeeTable order by RecId desc;    



    // select a particular record    

    select * from attEmployeeTable where attEmployeeTable.EmployeeId == 'SIS99';



    // MULTIPLE RECORDS FETCHING - while select      

    while select * from attEmployeeTable where attEmployeeTable.Gender == Gender::Male





    // fieldslist  --  select the fields which u want to display or use further    

    select Name from attEmployeeTable where attEmployeeTable.EmployeeId == 'Emp99';




Update and Delete Statement

static void UpdateQuery(Args _args)

    CustTable custTable;    


    select forupdate custTable where custTable.AcccountNumber == 'ATT100';

    if (custTable)


        custTable.Name = "New name";



    ttsCommit; //ttsabort


static void UpdateQueryMultiple(Args _args)

    CustTable custTable;    


    while select forupdate custTable //where custTable.AcccountNumber == 'ATT100';


        custTable.Name = "New name";



    ttsCommit; //ttsabort


    // roundtrips to sql is no of records + 1

    // performance improvement - update_recordset


    update_recordset custTable setting Name = "New Name again";

    // you can even add where clause


static void deleteQuery(Args _args)


    SISCustTable custTable;    


    while select forupdate custTable //where custTable.AcccountNumber == 'ATT100'




    ttsCommit; //ttsabort


    // roundtrips to sql is no of records + 1

    // performance improvement - delete_from


    delete_from custTable;

        // you can even add where clause



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